Summaries of week 4 by each team member

Week 4 summarized by each group member.

Julius: Week started by finishing the laboratory instruction for COD analysis. The analysis is used to measure the oxygen needed to oxidize the organic matter in water. This gives information about how much there is organic waste in the water. On Tuesday the analysis couldn't be done yet, but everything is ready for Friday. I spent Tuesday by helping other team members.
During the week I updated some documents that required the COD analysis to be mentioned, such as risk mapping. This is a collection of every risk that our work can have, such as hazardous chemicals and accidents.

On Friday I was preparing the chemicals needed for COD analysis with Laura. Most of the chemicals were easy to make. Some required bit more thinking, but everything was ready in time. We faced some difficulties with the main reagent as the instructions were misleading. We had to make sure the instructions I had done were correct. The same issue remained even after fact checking since the standard we used for it was obscure, but we came to a conclusion that we over-analyzed it. Nevertheless the chemical was done and it seemed to be right. Only the analysis result can tell whether its correct or not. The analysis itself is meant to be done when its needed, perhaps next week or the week after it.

Juhani S

This week was busy doing control tests with the chemicals, however we were able to conduct our experiments and produce water samples for our second laboratory group. We also prepared some of our experimental biopolymer to be used in our upcoming testing with the waste water.

Thipsuda S.

This week, we tested a colour determination method in a laboratory. The sample was tested with a spectrophotometer at different wavelengths.

At the analysis stage, we used a chromaticity diagram to produce a result.

Emmi H.

During the week 4, we made finishing touches to our analysis instructions and started to prepare for starting the process of analyzing the samples. Some of us trialled their analysis and those ones who were still perfecting their instructions helped them.

Aleksi O.

On week 4, we ordered chemicals to manufacture turbidity standards and ready AAS iron standards. It included looking up pricing, delivery times and approving the order from the PO. The order was forwarded to our schools laboratory staff, and we are hoping to get the chemicals as soon as possible.

Laura V.

The week started by finishing instructions to phosphorus determination and prepared chemicals for the analysis. On Friday I was preparing chemicals with Julius for COD analysis.

Kai L.

At the beginning of week 4, JAR tests from previous week with our baseline coagulation and flocculation substances continued. This time with increasing flocculant concentration, while, coagulant concentration remained constant. In addition, later in the week we also produced our preliminary batch of biopolymer as sort of a "trial runs" with varied results as we had some difficulties with its percolation. However, the end results were quite promising nontheless as we observed that the biopolymers surface charge was noticeably highly.
