Reviews on the peer groups' blogs

One of our tasks was to pick and review the most interesting findings from our peer groups' blogs. The two blogs we were assigned to review were Light crushed aggregate soil recovery and Non-tactile Augmented Reality System for the process industry.

Light crushed aggregate soil recovery

This group has written in their blog about their PO- meeting, week 46- report, three findings and the other blog's reviews.

We thought that their post referring to "Lightweight concrete using fly ash aggregate"-article was interesting. The researcher used ordinary Portland cement in their tests, which they mixed with fly ash aggregates and water.  From the mixed tests batches, they studied the chemical and physical properties and compared few of the results to traditional concrete. The researchers also tested the strengths of the fly ash aggregate concrete and the life cycle.

The overall appearance of the blog is nice and simple, but they could make it even better by making sure that they use the same font in every post thus keeping their posts' appearance more consistent. 

Non-tactile Augmented Reality System for the process industry 

This group has used Wordpress as their platform for the blog. The overall appearance of the blog is pleasing to the eye and the layout makes it easy to scroll through. Their team introduction is placed in conveniently and the posts are written in a way that makes them engaging.

Their introduction of augmented reality (AR) is thorough and presented in a way that is easy to understand and to read even if you don't have any prior knowledge on the topic. They give information on the use of AR in different industries, but their main focus in the post is production and industrial use of AR. Especially their use of videos in their introduction is brilliant way of showcasing the various ways that AR can be utilized.
